FREE Website Pays You To Copy & Paste! ($250,000,000 Paid In Total) | Make Money Online

 just look at all of these payments they

How can you make money online from home? | The ONEs Themselves

have paid out over 250 million dollars
to their users all around the world 
now you can also sign up for free and  start making money from wherever you are and in this video i will show you how you can use an additional absolutely free tool it will do all of the work for you so you can earn money with no previous experience and no special skills but right before that since i noticed a lot of you guys love her channel i just want to give another shout out to kishino who has some great online business and cryptocurrency related content and i received a lot of messages from you guys that you had massive benefits from her videos so i decided to put a link to her channel in the description once again and i will also leave some of my favorite videos from cushina so you can watch them and subscribe to her channel with notifications on okay so first of all we'll be talking about two different websites that will pay you from anywhere in the world and i will show you which of these two platforms has actually paid out over 250 million dollars to their users and then i'm gonna give you an absolutely free tool that's gonna do all of the work for you so that's only if you pay close attention to every second of this video and you stay all the way until the end because if you skip some parts and you will not know how to properly use that tool that's gonna do the work for you now as you can see this first platform is actually used by some massive companies like amazon facebook nasa ibm and airbus these are some massive companies that are working with this platform which means this is definitely a worthwhile company now this is already this platform is called a freelancer and this is over at the this is only one out of the two platforms that will actually pay you today and this is not the one that has paid out over 350 million dollars so stay tuned to see that one now what is actually freelancer well this is obviously a freelancing website where everyday people like me and you come to provide services and sell different digital services to other everyday people to other entrepreneurs and other business owners you have all of these different jobs available in freelancer like graphic design jobs or website jobs mobile app development writing finance manufacturing and so on and so forth there's a lot of opportunity on but there is only one particular service that we will be providing on this website that's actually going to make you the most money without you having to lift a finger because the tool is going to do the work for you for absolutely free now you can see these are just some of the services that are available on freelancer and you can see how much money people are charging for these services this is literally hundreds of dollars for all of the different categories available on before i show you how to sign up to the platform and how to actually set it up properly let's actually hop to another platform called guru this is a very very similar platform this is also really similar to fiber as well but the competition is really really low on this platform has paid out over 250 million dollars to your users over 250 million dollars to people all over the world and there are also different freelancing jobs on as well so those two platforms are pretty much the same but if you use both of them you will be able to maximize your results by providing the service which i'm about to show you in this video so first of all let's begin with freelancer because we have talked about it at the beginning of this video so once you come over to all you have to do is click on earn money freelancing right here then you will need to sign up for absolutely free by entering your email address creating a password agreeing to their user agreement and privacy policy and by hitting the join freelancer button right here or you can just continue with facebook which is a lot easier and faster since it requires only one click of a button now it's going to ask you to select the account type types it's going to ask you whether you want to work or you want to hire other people you're obviously not here to spend any money you just want to make money and you want to do it for absolutely free so you better click on i want to work right here once you signed up for absolutely free this is how it's going to look like once you log in into your freelancer account and here on the right hand side you will be able to see your account balance exactly how much money you have earned and once you have enough money into your balance whether that's one or ten dollars you will just click on deposit funds so you can actually get paid so that's how you can withdraw the money from but now that you have signed up to freelancer i want you to leave it like that we will come back later but for now you will also need to do the same thing on so what you will simply need to do is you will just need to click on the sign up button right here and that's going to take you over to this page where you can either enter your facebook linkedin or google account or just enter their full name in this box and for your email address agree to the privacy policy terms of service and ip policy and hit proceed and once you have signed up for absolutely free that's going to take you over to this page where you can see your profile you can view your profile right here this is your name this is your profile picture and now you can immediately post the service post a new service and get paid for it so now is the time i show you which service we will be providing on and so you can actually get paid every single day and so you can actually make quite a bit of money online by providing that
service and it's all gonna be done
for you now the service category that we
will be focusing on
is graphic design this is in really high
demand but on both
guru and there's not a
lot of people providing the service
which means
it's perfect to jump on this provide the
service and make as much money as
before the competition starts rising and
don't worry
you do not need any graphic design skill
for this because
i'm gonna give you an absolutely free
online tool they will do it
for you and for example if you go over
to and you start
searching for work start searching for
different jobs that are available
you'll be able to see that people are
paying quite a bit of money for graphic
design services like
just this first service first job right
here is paying 50
per youtube thumbnail and here's exactly
what you can do you can simply go
over to snap pop this is over at the
s-n-a-p-a dot com
and this is gonna give you all of these
different templates that you can choose
so you can sell different graphic design
services like facebook
cover photos infographics ebook covers
youtube thumbnails facebook posts
instagram posts linkedin posts and much
much more
in this case in order to make 50 again
and again for that long-term project
just for one single service you just
need to click on a youtube thumbnail
around here
let me show you how simple it is to make
50 with this one
depending on what their channel is all
about let's say their channel is all
food about cooking and stuff what you
can simply do is choose
this template right here or if it's
about the nature
and stuff you can just took for example
you can just take
this thumbnail right here or any other
that you think is gonna look
really nice for example let's say for
instance i like this one let's say their
channel is all about fitness
all i have to do is click on the
template wait until it loads
and now i can fully edit it i can change
the background image i can add different
colors as you can see it's even going to
help me do this like add a background
facts or graphic to get started
so i can add different background images
right here
i can change the text by double clicking
on it so i can for example say
subscribe to invest store or whatever
they want me to put
on the thumbnail it's really simple to
customize it i can add a different icons
right here so i have different graphics
and shapes let's say for example i want
to add this this is gonna look nice
so you can just customize it and play
around with different designs it's gonna
take you no more than five minutes
to create a professional nice looking
template with
snapper for absolutely free and you
don't need any photoshop skills and you
don't need to pay for anything
so once you're done creating that
thumbnail you just need to hit the
download button
right here select the high resolution
image and it's going to be immediately
downloaded to your computer
now you can deliver it to that buyer on or and in this case you would have
gotten paid
50 for the thumbnail that's five minutes
of work for
fifty dollars you can do it again and
again with all of the different services
that are available on
and so you can provide
graphic design services in the category
of youtube thumbnails
facebook posts facebook covers and much
more there's definitely an endless
stream of income when it comes to
graphic design services on both of these
freelancing websites
and of course i'm just using a disc
template and this design as an example
you can definitely use any other you
like and whatever you think would suit
your own customer and whatever you think
looks a lot better so that's how you can
make some money by combining those
freelancing platforms and i really hope you did get
some value out of this video and if you
don't forget to drop a like to it leave
a thumbs up and of course do yourself a
favor by subscribing to kashina and by
watching some of her videos
once again she has some great great
and a lot of people are already having
massive benefits
from her tutorials so once again link to
her channel will be in the description
down below
or you can even just go over to youtube
search kashina
and watch as many of her videos as you
possibly want to


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