hello guys and welcome to a new tutorial
this time is not for the computer this
one is for the iPhone I know that I make
tutorials for anthro face and the other
videos editing systems but this one
would be for the iOS users around the
world so today's lesson is for the
people who just came to the highest
world and of course the first thing to
do is to create an Apple account so you
can download apps from the App Store so
first thing you do is just go to the
settings in your new iPhone and just go
down scroll down do you see the iTunes
and of course you can see the App Store
icon and just press on the iTunes and
App Store you will find something
basically like this page in front of you
I have blank spaces so first thing to do
is you can press on Apple ID if you do
have already have an Apple account but
if you don't you can just scroll down
and create a new Apple ID so there is
one thing to notice is that when you
come to create account from this page
you might face some problems and one of
the problem is that you would have and
this is not an option for you to put
your visa informations so if you don't
want this thing to happen with you you
can just go back like what I'm gonna do
right now and just go to the App Store
itself so bear with me for a minute
just I'm turning off the Wi-Fi
connection and turn on the 3G because
I'm not in the house at the moment
so first thing we'll do is we'll go to
the App Store itself it's going to take
a while we don't have the fastest
world you you can go to the top chart
and just wait I think it's gonna take
longer than I thought and now I wait
until I see the apps and specifically I
want the free apps because we're not
gonna see the visa informations so
you've gotten out the paid apps which in
front of you but for me I'll go just
jump to the free apps so first thing
like this app now is I don't know what
is it cap I love devious I'm just gonna
download it and a message will pop up in
my face and will tell me that I'm sorry
I don't have account you have to create
an account or if you have already
account you can just write down
informations it's taking longer than I
thought again okay good
this is the message it would tell you to
sign in you have to sign in to download
apps from the App Store and you can
either use an existing Apple ID or you
create a new Apple ID for me I don't
have an Apple ID so I'll create a new
want by pressing on this option let's go
and choose United States for example
just press next and now we have the
agreement you can just go on by pressing
on agree yes I agree and then we will
just move on to the next page
just write down informations nothing
really difficult about the next step

I'll do it and I'll jump to the next
page okay now this is the tricky part


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